Bulletin #59 Unsanctioned Social Media Pages

Bulletin #59
October 15, 2021


The Union Office has been made aware of social media pages or groups led by our members that are not sanctioned by our Union, but deal with issues involving our Union and Employer.

Participation on these unsanctioned pages or groups should be met with extreme caution.  Speech made in these unsanctioned spaces cannot be protected by the Union as Union speech.  In other words, comments, posts, and communication on these platforms may put members at significantly increased risk of discipline from the Employer and/or from charges under Article 6 of our Union’s Constitution.  Examples of unprotected speech on unsanctioned social media include, but are not limited to, statements that are critical of BC Ferries’ management, employees, operations, safety, etc.; and/or damaging to the Union.  It is also possible the Employer may view non-reporting of certain statements as disciplinable, and especially if an employee is designated as an admin or moderator.

On the other hand, Union sanctioned social media provides significant protection for our member’s union speech so long as that speech is in line with our Union’s policies and Constitution, and is not defamatory.  Please see our Social Media Policy and 2018 Bulletin #41 “Social Media” for more information.

If you have any questions regarding this bulletin, please write or call our Union Office and ask to speak with an LRO, or get in touch with your Local President.


To view as a pdf: Bulletin #59 Unsanctioned Social Media Pages