Bulletin #36 Preventing and Recognizing Heat Stress Stroke

Bulletin #36
June 28, 2021


We are in for more hot weather, please stay safe.  Here are some of the physical signs to watch for. (The following material is from the Company.)


Workers should drink plenty of water (two cups before starting work and one cup every 20 minutes after) and replace salt intake during the summer season.  Make sure you are familiar with methods of preventing heat stress and how to recognize the early symptoms of heat stress in yourself and co-workers.


Heat Rash Symptoms:  Red bumpy rash with severe itching.
Treatment:  Rinse skin with cool water, change into dry clothes.

Heat Cramps Symptoms:  Involuntary muscle contractions caused by failure to replace fluids or electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.
Treatment:  Cramps can be relieved with stretching and by replacing fluids and electrolytes.

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms:  Characterized by weakness, extreme fatigue, nausea, headaches, and a wet, clammy skin. Heat exhaustion is caused by inadequate fluid intake.
Treatment:  It should be treated by resting in a cool environment and replacing fluids and electrolytes.

Heat Stroke Symptoms:  Heat stroke is a medical emergency caused by failure of the body’s heat controls. Sweating stops and the body temperature rises precipitously. Heat stroke is characterized by hot dry skin, a body temperature above 105.8°F (41°C) mental confusion, loss of consciousness, convulsions, or even coma.
Treatment: Send for medical help at once and begin rapid cooling with ice or cold water, fanning the victim to promote evaporation. Treat for shock if necessary. For rapid cooling, partially submerge the victim’s body in cool water.

If you’re at work and you’re feeling the symptoms of heat exhaustion, say something and take corrective actions, including exercising YOUR LEGAL RIGHT TO REFUSE UNSAFE WORK.

Note: If you work in a galley, please check to see if you have a wet-bulb thermometer.


To view as a pdf: Bulletin #36 Preventing and Recognizing Heat Stress/Stroke